Monday, July 11, 2011

"All will not be as it was, but it will be true...." Derek Walcott

It is not August yet but I wanted to post this poem by Derek Walcott because in stanza four there is a line that stands out timelessly (besides rain in summer is an excellent metaphor for the dampness we feel when a bright moment has been spontaneously spoiled in our lives):  "Don't you know I love you but am hopeless at fixing the rain?"  I have been thinking lately about how and why we hold grudges against each other, as well as how sore we are at times about the unfixable things which happen between us or around us; how frustrated we are when things are not perfect or as we what them to be.

"Dark August" by Derek Walcott

So much rain, so much life like the swollen sky
of this black August. My sister, the sun,
broods in her yellow room and won't come out.

Everything goes to hell; the mountains fume
like a kettle, rivers overrun; still,
she will not rise and turn off the rain.

She is in her room, fondling old things,
my poems, turning her album. Even if thunder falls
like a crash of plates from the sky,

she does not come out.
Don't you know I love you but am hopeless
at fixing the rain? But I am learning slowly

to love the dark days, the steaming hills,
the air with gossiping mosquitoes,
and to sip the medicine of bitterness,

so that when you emerge, my sister,
parting the beads of the rain,
with your forehead of flowers and eyes of forgiveness,

all will not be as it was, but it will be true
(you see they will not let me love
as I want), because, my sister, then

I would have learnt to love black days like bright ones,
The black rain, the white hills, when once
I loved only my happiness and you

© Derek Walcott


It might be easier to be compassionate toward one another if we recognize that everyone has rain in lives.  Sometimes we cannot see what is leading to the ruin or the pain but it is there in every person's path. Perhaps we hold grudges because as Rumi pointed out "even if you hate me, at least your attention is still on me." We hold a wound because we don't want to let go of our emotional attachment to a person or memory.  Maybe we don't have to. Or it could be that the grudge is teaching us where we might try to be more forgiving and compassionate toward ourselves as well. Maybe the point of entry into our soul, which is bitter and hard, is the right one.  When we come to the gateway of understanding, it's like the last two stanzas of "Dark August":


all will not be as it was, but it will be true

(you see they will not let me love
as I want), because, my sister, then

I would have learnt to love black days like bright ones,

The black rain, the white hills, when once
I loved only my happiness and you


"All will not be as it was, but it will be true..." When I read that line, many things stir in me, and I find it leaves me speechless to think there is as much love in the ruin and rain, as there is in the temple and sun.  I discover I am overwhelmed by such love and knowing that it turns out I have been loved beyond that which I once imagined. Dare I say with a smile, that even when you hate me, you are still loving me as deeply, maybe more so, than you did when we were laughing?

It is possible.


dreamstime image: hibiscus flower after the rain - by irabel8

Friday, July 1, 2011

Misunderstood: Love

This week I searched for the word "LOVE" in the on-line thesaurus and it came up as: "love - 10 of 111 thesaurus results" on the first page. There are a lot of different ways to use this misunderstood four letter word, while we use the other four letter word for everything else, and create confusion. 

It is easy to misunderstand the word love because we attach our expectations to others and our relationships with them.  We tend to approach relationships expecting, wanting and desiring.  Naturally we are upset when the object of our possession doesn't seem to reciprocate our fantasy. We want people to read our mind, communicate in ways we find acceptable, and behave as we have decided is appropriate to our liking.  The reality is often a shocking difference from our dream, then the blame game begins and the war to prove who is right or wrong.  And, well, Lord forbid that someone has a boundary, it must mean they don't love us.  In reality our fantasy is not an act of love per se, it's an attachment and an expectation that leads to trouble.

Even the Greeks understood that love required some definition, so they negoiated it into four slim categories:  Eros, Agape, Philia, and Storge or passionate love, unconditional love, friendship love, affectionate love.

There is more than one way to love, more than one way to communicate or express that love and several authors have commented on love.  Osho said, "Love is a verb."  Love is timeless. In her book, A Return to Love, Marianne Williams said, "We are not held back by the love we didn't receive in the past, but by the love we're not extending in the present.” I should write more to support this paragraph, and maybe I will later, or maybe I will leave it to the reader to discover their own quotes on love.

As for myself, I often try to cultivate love in its myraid of expressions throughout my life experience. I too have been deeply wounded and misunderstood.  I recall then that in The Course in Miracles it reads "Everything is a call for Love."  When I ponder that, I realize it is a love that is about acceptance and belonging.  We all want to belong and be accepted for who we are.  I am fortunate to say that I feel loved, as much as I have also loved deeply, but that doesn't mean I always feel I am understood or received by those I love.  It is perhaps part of our journey toward the ultimate love to discover that we have to begin within ourselves to accpet who we are and trust in the Divine plan of our lives to guide us toward being the expression of love in its highest form.  Keep in mind, it might not lead to marriage (wink).


free dreamstime image: love heart by alejandro duran